Saturday, September 5, 2009

Following Henry Hudson 1609 to 2009...

Henry Hudson cruised it and again in 2009 the Grande Caribe is back on the river that bears the name of it's first European explorer. Of course, many nameless native Americans traveled this waterway long before Mr. Hudson, time has dimmed our memory of their names to some extent. Some remnants of their "tribal" names do remain however, Wappinger, Sing Sing, Manhattan and other names we use all the time have their origin in the original human occupants of this area...

Today was truly an "Indian Summer" day on the Hudson River. Warm breezes allowed our passengers to enjoy the Sun Deck all day and into the evening as we all enjoyed some of the most beautiful scenery to be found on any river in North America as well as an all day running commentary by Sam Ladley our on board historian who filled in all of the history of this great river from the last Ice Age to recent times. There was something for everyone to enjoy as we made out way from Chelsea Piers in Manhattan to Troy, NY a distance of +/- 120 miles.

The Skip Parsons Trio topped off they day with their Dixieland Jazz and other great music after another fine dinner by our Chef Courtney.

Now its time for the crew to get some sleep as tomorrow we start the day by lowering the Pilothouse one full deck level and dropping our "air draft" so that we can fit under the bridges on the Erie Canal!